Jack's Attack

I am Jack, and this is all about me and those other people who serve me.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How am I doing?

Well I've been doing better I must say. I fell down yesterday very hard and hurt my leg. It turns out I hurt it very bad because I had to go to the hospital. I didn't get to go in a helicopter or an ambulance, but my parents say that is a good thing.

I guess I broke my femur. I'm not sure what that means except that my leg really hurt a lot for most of the day yesterday.

Then when I woke up this morning I couldn't really move around. I have a cast from my waist all the way down to my feet. Its blue which is nice, but I think I'd rather be able to walk around.

Also, I don't fit in my car seat, so my parents are trying to find a fancy one which turns out to be pretty difficult. The hospital is going to let me borrow one for a little while.

So, I'm just sitting in the hospital right now, while I wait to be discharged. I have eaten a lot of fruit chews and cookies and watched Bob the builder.

I'll try and take a picture of myself when I am a little more presentable. You will probably get a chance to see my cast since I'll have it on for the next 4-6 weeks. My parents seem to think that is a long time, but I think it will be okay.


Blogger Amanda Bindel said...

Oh my goodness, Jack! I can't imagine how much that must have hurt your mommy and daddy...er, I mean you! :-)

Amanda & Caroline

4:20 PM  

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